LAW rockets are better off used on enemies like the Fleshpound and Siren. The sheer amount of damage from a single blast will destroy the Scrake with ease. The Hunting Shotgun with the Support Specialist perk can wipe out a Scrake in no time.If someone is killed by or near a Scrake, they will start eating the body of the deceased (or the initial location where someone died if their ragdoll goes flying)

Despite his imposing size, the Scrake is basically a large Clot with lots of health.

When he gets close, he'll start tearing into the target with his chainsaw, quickly killing whomever is on the other ends of the chainsaw if the victim survives the initial chainsaw slash he will start impaling them with his chainsaw which does alot of damage really quickly. The Scrake is a maniac wearing a butcher's outfit and has a chainsaw attached to his left arm.